Purrmaid Dumpling

Purrmaid Dumpling

Purrmaid Dumpling
Dumpling was born paralyzed so has been a purrmaid all her life. She has an abnormality in her spine which caused the paralysis.

September is particularly special for Dumpling and her momma Kacy, as it marks the month Dumpling was rescued, fostered and very soon after, adopted.

When Dumpling was found, she had been living on the streets. Kacy immediately noticed the sores on her. Her entire life thus far, Dumpling had been dragging herself over rough and dirty surfaces with no protective gear. Needless to say, her lower half was becoming very painful and at risk of getting infected.

This is one of the most common concerns purrmaid parents have. Even on the smoothest floorboards and cleanest furniture, they are bound to develop "ouchies" from the constant friction caused whilst running/playing/climbing.

Project Purrmaid is a  Biscuits & Breadsticks initiative, headed by Kacy. Drag bags and other protective apparel are provided, free of charge to anyone needing them. Each one is lovingly hand-made, from the handpicked the material (we love anything rainbow themed, esp by @wolfandrabbitfabrics 🌈), to the custom sizing, and design tweaking to best meet each purrmaid's individual needs.