Purrman Jude

Purrman Jude

Jude was found dumped in a rural area with his mother, and was only a few weeks old. It was immediately apparent something was wrong with his legs, and a visit to the vet confirmed he was paralyzed. It was neurological and nothing could be done to undo the damage. 

Ignoring many suggestions to euthanise him, Jacee saw Jude was full of life and as he wasn’t in any pain or discomfort, vowed to give him the happy and healthy life he deserves.

What made you decide to adopt a special needs kitty?

I never set out to adopt a special needs cat, he was a foster failure. He adopted me. They’re aren’t many special needs cats/rescues in my area. I would love to see that grow! These cats need to be given a chance! 

What's the biggest change in your life since Jude came into it?

I have to say being on a schedule, and making sure he gets his care on time is a small change I’ve had to make

Your best piece of advice

Find a vet that is caring and willing to help you give your cat the absolute best care. Find and connect with other people that have special needs kitties as well.

Was it what you imagined/expected?

 I was clueless about caring for a cat with paralysis and incontinence. I had no expectations going into it. It was all a matter of learning how to do it and what was best for Jude.


Best thing about having Jude in your life

 Where do I start? I can’t imagine life without Jude now. He is so smart and silly. He makes everyone smile and laugh. There’s no way you can be in a bad mood when he’s in the room! Jude is the definition of resilient. Nothing is going to get in his way or slow him down.

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