Purrmaid Scout

Purrmaid Scout

Scout was found crawling through the busy streets of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico at only 4 weeks old. She is affectionately known as a little “bomba boricua” (traditional Puerto Rican dancers) as she spins around just like the dancers when she’s excited! This was the inspiration for the design.

Scout was born with a genetic defect in her hips and legs, so has been a purrmaid her entire life. She was found struggling through the busy streets of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico at just 4 weeks old. In Puerto Rico, animals like Scout are often left to die or immediately euthanized (which is common practice in shelters all around the world), so her survival is a true miracle.

Scout is always so joyful and is affectionately known as a little “bomba boricua” (traditional Puerto Rican dancers) as she spins around just like the dancers, when she’s excited! This was the inspiration for the illustration and pin design.

Expectations vs reality: “Having Scout was nothing like I initially anticipated. Physically she is much more able than I expected. She doesn’t let her paralysis limit her, she zips, spins around & climbs without hesitation! 
Her medical care of course is more extensive than I anticipated, but we have learned vital preventative measures that mitigate the need for too many trips to the vet."

Best piece of advice: “Routine, routine, routine! When we stick to our daily rituals, even if we aren’t at home, Scout adjusts to changes in surroundings better and her overall (c)attitude stays positive.”

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